C-lab meeting - Diffusion MRI: Measuring water to visualise connectivity
We would like to invite you on the next C-lab meeting on Wednesday, 27th of November at 17:00 in the room 1.04. The invited speaker is Claude Bajada with the presentation titled “Diffusion MRI: Measuring water to visualise connectivity”. The abstract of the presentation is below.
Diffusion MRI: Measuring water to visualise connectivity
Since the discovery of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) techniques in the 1970s MRI has found its way into the clinic as a safe, non-invasive approach to probing the brain and for diagnosing pathology. While the MR images are deceivingly photographic, MRI is a very flexible technique that allows for various tissue features to be probed. One of the features that can be probed is the diffusion of water in tissue. In the early 1990s the diffusion signal was modelled using tensors giving rise to the technique known as diffusion tensor imaging. My talk briefly introduces the physics behind diffusion MRI. We will then see how to use the diffusion signal to explore the structural connections in the brain.