IX Cracow Cognitive Science Conference

This weekend Michał Wierzchoń, Marcin Koculak, Urszula Górska, Zuzanna Skóra, Monika Derda, Bartosz Majchrowicz, Justyna Hobot and Simon Del Pin from C-LAB are going to give talks during the IX Cracow Cognitive Science Conference. The topics are:

  • Special lecture by dr hab. Michał Wierzchoń (Między “czytaniem umysłu” a introspekcją – kilka słów o pomiarze świadomości) [Between “mind reading” and introspection – few words about measuring consciousness]
  • Marcin Koculak, Neural correlates of unconsciousness – evidence from resting-state paradigms
  • Urszula Górska, Processing of auditory textures in human cortex can distinguish states of consciousness
  • Zuzanna Skóra, The role of attention in subjective accessibility of memory representation
  • Monika Derda, Role of front-parietal networks in dynamics of consciousness
  • Bartosz Majchrowicz, Action awareness in health and disease
  • Justyna Hobot, Looking for consciousness with Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
  • Simon Del Pin, Challenging the Partial Awareness Hypothesis: Weak conscious experience appears semantic in nature